Kirstin Becker

Kirstin Becker

"You cannot teach a person anything, you can only help him to discover it in himself."

Galileo Galilei

About me

Since 2017 Instructor for biomechanically correct riding - Angela Lohmann

Since 2003 Instructor for the International Academy for Veterinary Chiropractic (IAVC) in Germany and England

Since 1998 Lecturer at various national and international conferences

2006 Specialized veterinarian in animal chiropractic (Austria)

2003-2018 Private practice for animal chiropractic, osteopathy and acupuncture

2003-2017 Instructor for Options for Animals (USA)

1999-2002 Practice in small animals and horses

1996-1998 PhD student at the equine clinic of the TiHo Hannover

1996 Licensed veterinarian 

Many other veterinary training courses:
Main areas of interest: biomechanics, lameness, hooves, training, physiotherapy, saddle and equipment, animal chiropractic, osteopathy

More on this

Memberships in organization

European Veterinary Society for Osteopathy Annual (EVSO)
International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IAVC)
Society for Holistic Veterinary Medicine (GGTM)
Veterinary Society of Chiropractic (VSC)
Mensa in Deutschland eV

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